Wednesday 5 January 2011

New Year, new resolutions

For the new year, I've tidied up my online stuff and consolidated it - this has been my project this week. Which has been mostly tedious rather than exciting.

Have scanned all my photos in now, so can recycle albums *cleans halo*.

On Weds I traded in some old games in return for the new Wii Harry Potter game and the PSP Night at the Museum, both of which should keep me amused for a while.

Night at the Museum kept me amused for as long as it took to realise it was the movie and not a game. At least I can trade it in for something else.

Have relocated Ficus from kitchen to lounge - I think she's much happier for it. She isn't getting leaves burnt by nasty radiator anymore, so I assume she's happier.

Back to work, and the trains are as reliable as ever - not.

Train this morning left about 15mins late due to signalling problems in the Ramsgate area. However, the saga between me arriving at the station 10mins before my train was due, and when it left, went something like this:

HS from Ramsgate was due late and at any second into Platform 5.
From Ramsgate (or maybe Hastings) mainline train came in late on P1.
Platform change, HS was coming imminently into P6 (mine!) - huge crowd on P5 leapt over to P6.
From Ramsgate mainline train came in late on P2.
Platform change, HS was coming into P5 at ay nanosecond – enormous crowd on P6 leapt back over to P5.
On time from Charing Cross train held at lights outside Ashford as no platform.
Victoria train came in to P6 from siding.
Board announced Vic train cancelled.
Announcer announced board is wrong and Vic train is running to time.
Time passes.
Board announced train at P6 is going to Canterbury.
Vic passengers mutually agreed sit-in until train gets to Vic even if it has to go via Canterbury, Hastings and Timbuktu.
New passengers got on board.
Time passes.
From Ramsgate train at P2 moved off.
From CX train arrived P2.
Passenger in long dark coat and trilby got off CX train and ambled over to P6.
Passenger in long dark coat and trilby magically transformed into Victoria train driver we were apparently waiting for.
Guard informed Canterbury passengers that they were on the wrong train as we were going to Vic.
Half of the passengers decant in a mad rush.
Vic train moves off in a Vic direction.
HS still fails to arrive.
Vic train arrives Charing 10 mins later.
Remaining Canterbury passengers debark in a panic.

Got into work 10mins late to find that big boss was also late due to Southeastern trains apparent inability to keep  to a timetable, although he's on a completely different line.


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