Monday 18 July 2011

Slip sliding away!

Last Thursday I was Swindon at the National Self Build & Renovation Centre. It hasn't changed much since the last time I was there, but the demonstration houses inside never fail to amaze.

And going backwards in time again, on Wednesday I was on a Search Engine Optimization course. I didn't realise how much I didn't know!

This weekend at Brands Hatch was very, very soggy.

Add to that one of the cars in the first race on the first day dumping oil around half the track, which created an ice rink effect on some of the sharpest and fastest corners, and we had a fun-filled weekend.

A spectator put together the video here, and I think it shows a good snapshot of what the weekend was like.

I hasten to add that, quite apart from the spins and tumbles, there was some excellent racing going on, with cars going to head-to-head with sometimes three or four vying for that top spot.

There were many bumps and bruises, and possibly the odd broken bone, but as far as I know at time of writing (and I stand to be corrected here), no one was seriously hurt. Although I'm given to understand that the five-point seat-belts in the Mini's may need to be reviewed given the anatomical arrangement of the gentlemen drivers and their propensity for crashing and rolling...


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