Sunday 19 March 2006

A Terrible Horrible No Good Bad Sunday

The Legal Services Commission conference was disappointingly good. Disappointing because I had to wait til the weekend to catch up on my sleep, and although it was really good, I won't bore you with it unless you have an undying need to know the intricacies of Means7 vs App7 reporting... I can hear the snores already.

So, you ever have one of those weekends where you really really really wish you'd camped out at work?

Friday finished, and, albeit late, I went to Rochester where Chris fed me a really nice sausage casserole accompanied by lots of wine and profiteroles - always a good way to finish off a Friday I find.

Saturday came and went; Chris went to visit Tom while I went to work via Simply Scuba to purchase a decent pair of diving gloves. Along with said gloves I also received an education in drysuits for free. I think the guy there took exception to my usual bitch about said items and decided I need said eduaction. I have been educated and tried on severeal in the process and may invest at some undetermined point in the future. However, that would then mean that I would lose my foolproof getout clause of 'its too cold'! - an essential tool when one mixes with people who think its a really good idea to jump in the water when it's snowing heavily. We went to a chinese for dinner and were recommended Yeung's by the taxi driver but it was full so we went to TinTin's instead. It was nice. Point to note from experience - taxi drivers are excellent sources of eaterie recommendations.

Sunday arrived wonderfully slowly, and after much prodding, hard glares and head butting from starving and waif like kittens who clearly hadn't been fed for *hours*, the fact that Rio weighs the same as a lead brick notwithstandin, especially when standing on one's bladder, we finally rolled out of bed at around 11. So far so good. Put first load of washing on.

Ghostie (my car for those who don't know) developed condensation in a taillight again, and a wobbly rear light. Happily replaced taillight shell to eliminate condensation, and replaced bulb to eliminate wobbliness. First part works, second part eliminated wobbliness by failing to work at all. After much swearing and skinned knuckles (er, for Chris not me :o)) we concluded fault was in the wiring. Ho hum, MOT is due very shortly anyway. We won't let that minor detail ruin our day. Took first load of washing out and into tumble dryer ready to be tumbled when we got back from lunch.

Went to lunch at Riverview Diner. Nice burger type affair surrounded by a fleet of Harley Davisons to perv - er, I mean look at. Chris was accosted by one of the bikers that went by the name of 'Big John' - who merely wanted to know if Chris' dad happened to be 'Big Dave'. The answer to that would be yes. Chris now keeps checking the mirror every five minutes to see if he really looks that much like his dad. I'm keeping quiet on the subject.

Went to Bybrook Barn to get some advice on getting aquarium back to health after heater disaster. Got some pots to replant Daisy (Annelies' red daisy plant) and Dorian (pitcher plant). Returned home. Put on tumbler. Put second load in washing machine.

Noticed that washing machine wasn't working. Switched it off, started it again. Hit it, kicked it, yelled at it and generally abused it. It still didn't work. Chris attacked it with the big guns - his cordless drill screwdriver vibrator thingie. Declared it dead.

Repotted Daisy. Repotted Dorian and ran out of appropriate compost halfway up the pot. Gave up.

Switched tumbler off and went to Sevington to get new washing machine. Delivery scheduled for Thursday. Do you know what I had to do to bribe Chris to do my washing for me? Actually, you probably don't want to know... and don't beleive him when he says 'nothing'...

Switched tumbler back on and sat down with large glass of sherry and noticed suspicious burning smell coming from the kitchen. Diagnosed tumbler source of burning smell and swictched tumbler off. Sat back down with Very Large Glass of sherry and noticed laptop issuing big flashing messages informing me that an electrical surge had knackered everything.

Fortunatley laptop is clever and protected itself. Tumbler still remains to be seen.

Am now drinking Extremely Large glass of sherry, and wondering when Sunday is officially finished.

(Please not I have spared details regarding fish trapped in filter tube, the Quest for a bag of Housplant compost and the Starnge Smell coming from the toilet.)


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