Wednesday 8 March 2006

Here in Sunny Ashford!

Ashford is actually grey today. However with reports of torrents of rain in London and various parts of Kent, the greyness here is clearly relatively sunny.

Chris and I went to mum and dad's for lunch, and had a lovely dinner that was much enjoyed by both of us both in food and company. Fizz was yum.

Regarding knee, I've had a couple of minor accidents to said knee over the years, funnily enough both involving a sprint to a bar, although both whilst sober. The last one 3 years ago in Sharm - a simple fall over
landing on hands and knees and easily repaired with several large beers and a vodka took a long time to heal and the doc said something about housemaids knee, and knee healed up a few weeks later, leaving me with an ache that materialised occasionally if it looked like rain on the horizon.

Until knee decided at a random moment around 5 or 6 weeks ago that it didn't want to work anymore. Spent evening with leg elevated and attempting repair with large glass of wine. It didn't work, so hobbled to
casualty next day who said it ain't broke so if it doesn't fix itself in three weeks go to your gp. So I did yesterday. He poked and prodded at great length, requesting that I yell when it hurt (lots of yelling) asked
me if I was double jointed (no), commented that I was very flexible (?!!), and said that losing weight was usually recommended but that as I was lean enough there was no need (Hallelujah!)

Apparently that last time I went skidding across the floor in Sharm is probably where I caused some
cartilage damage that has never healed properly, and since I'm too young to seriously think about invasive surgery at this point, we're trying non-invasive physio etc and see what that does. Lots of resting
knee, and no weight carrying. Guess someone else need to carry my shopping and cylinders...

Disaster struck the aquarium when the brand new heater died - did I mention this already? We lost some fish, but we're back and stable again now, and hope to repopulate in a couple of weeks. The kits are of course doing an excellent job watching the aquarium; for signs of distress, naturally.

Work is manic - we're in the peak of divorces that are a result of the Christmas holidays, plus contract renewal time of year. The next month looks to be manic too with eye stuff and dive stuff etc.


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