Saturday 8 July 2006

That was the week, such as it was

Got home last Friday, from excellent holiday, and what was the first thing we did? Call our Dive Officer and see if there were any spaces going on any of the dives at the weekend. Fortunately, our Dive Officer (Andy) is a very, very nice man and was delighted that we were back, due to us being one of most reliable (not to mention ‘Ard) pairs of divers the club has, and immediately offered us two spots on Sunday afternoon.

Second on the agenda was setting up my wireless network at home, which after a very long conversation with a very nice lady at AOL works brilliantly. My lappy and I are therefore over the moon and expect a long and happy future…

Third on the agenda was emergency appointment for getting horridly painful tooth pulled. After nearly ten years of fighting, it was time for the molar to go. Once pulled, the dentist’s eye nearly popped out of his head, as the root was surprisingly long and snaggled. Root canal would have been… interesting.

Some might think my concept of priorities might be slightly skewed, but hey, it works for me.

Saturday was spent unpacking, washing and shopping. Bleargh. Also went for eye check up which was okay. Have to go see the Mad Professor in a couple of weeks though which is scary. With the world cup in the afternoon, it was kinda ironic that traffic on the way up at 3pm was very quiet, but the M25 on the way back at 4.30 was grid locked with many frustrated footie fans who had hoped to be settled in front of the box with beer and crisp, and not overheating in their cars.

Sunday we went diving. After a little trouble trying to locate a decent wreck, we eventually went to The Cement Wreck. I dived with Andy, while Chris dived with Judith. It was very pleasant, a couple of metres visibility and the highlight for me other than, of course, the cement bags (cough), were the really big fat starfish systematically munching their way through a large colony of mussels.

Monday was the dreaded return to work. Dreaded because one never knows quite what state things are in. But there was nothing to worry about, so that was alright.

Apart from the weather being horridly hot and sticky and close.

Apart from one of my ladies wandering around in shock due to her husband informing her on Saturday that he wants a divorce.

Apart another of my ladies wandering around in a snit because the selling of her house which is right on the point of exchange is in the process of being cocked up yet again.

Apart from yet another of my ladies being very down due to her mother and sons being over demanding all at once.

In a small office like ours, it proved to be a very depressing week.

Tuesday morning went to physio and true to form, my knee, which is highly temperamental, decided to be on its absolute best behaviour, exactly when I didn’t want it to be. Pah!

Sent very down lady on an impromptu day off which neither sons nor mother knew about so she could have a bit of ‘me’ time and get her head together.

Wednesday, very down lady was much happier. Weather forecast promised thunderstorm, therefore concerned that planned evening dive might not happen.

No thunderstorm materialised so went for the dive off Shakespeare Beach in Dover. It was glorious! Took 14yo ocean diver out for her first ocean dive and since she likes wildlife type things, it was fun to explore together and just about everything came out to play.

Loads of swimming crabs, some mating and some moulting and some just demonstrating their ‘ard attitude. Shy edible crabs, and skittery little spider crab. Several lobsters said hello. A couple of whelks showed us exactly why they’re known as ‘snails on steroids’ as they zipped across the sand. A plaice was having a very civilised evening supper on a shelf with a swimming crab and a lobster.

Something not as yet positively identified was hiding in cave. We think it was either a very lost scampi, or possible a baby crawfish, neither of which is very likely. Maybe it was just a mutated shrimp that was twice the size it should be, we are talking Dover harbour after all. The tom pot blennies were out in force, and we talked to one who took great delight in playing tug ‘o’ war with my glove. Little ocean diver was very taken with all the tiny sea squirts on the wall, and the fan worms who popped their fans in and put then put them back out for her.

Getting out was fun. The surge plus the steepness of the beach plus the weight of kit we have to carry equals difficult. Little ocean diver and I were last out, and with five big macho muscley type boys already on the beach, one might think that two girly types might get a little help. But oh, no. They stood and watched. (pout).

Thursday, things hit divorcing lady, which was very sad. Thunderstorm still due to materialise at any moment.

Friday morning house moving lady finally vented frustration over coffee and felt much better.

Friday lunchtime down lady vented mother/sons frustration over wine and felt much, much better.

Friday afternoon, the boss called in all happy and chirpy and made me laugh.

Thunderstorm that was still due any minute still showed no sign of actually arriving.

Friday evening Chris cooked lovely meal, we watched Princess Bride and we examined bottle of wine very carefully.

Saturday morning, still no sign of thunderstorm. Am wondering if it got the memo.


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