Wednesday 26 July 2006

Ho hum!

Not really much to report here this week, work has been kinda depressing; the heat being a big part of that, and one has to wonder when air conditioning will become mandatory in this country. And the sagas of death, divorce and house moving are still ongoing. However, the clients make us laugh.

Especially when they’ve reached agreements for all s financial, all things property related and all things child related, yet cannot reach an agreement (as both parties want full custody) of two pedigree red setters. The mediator has found herself helping them arrange a child contact schedule for the dogs, and tentatively agreeing shared residency. So far. Yet today, one party saw fit to inform us that the other party turned up late to walk the animals and therefore the dogs had a half hour less walk, and therefore the other party wasn’t fit to care for the dogs. However, both parties are quite confident that the other party is perfectly capable of caring for the two children… *scratches head*.
Thursday we investigated the possibility of a dive on Sunday. 12.45 meet at Dover marina. Marvellous.

In the evening, went to Shakespeare Beach for a dive. Chris didn’t make it, in fact was last rumoured to have been spotted somewhere near Orpington. I buddied Laura again, and we were last in. As we were doing that elegant entry known as the ‘bum-shuffle’ into the surf (men stand up, walk in a manly way into the surf and get bowled over, looking rather like otters having seizures), the first pair came out, binning the dive due to zero visibility. Therefore, we binned. *pout*
By the time I got home, Chris had found his way home.
I also discovered large vehicles with yellow flashy lights occupying road behind house. Tarmacking road started at 8pm and finished at 11pm.
Friday, they were there again, so on top of residual heat, we had boiling tar heat and smells. Joy. Not actually certain why they needed to tarmac that piece of road, and have working theory that they meant to have done the bit under the very low bridge that has a crater the size of the Marianna Trench in the middle of it.
On Saturday we had Jude over to discuss dive club marketing. Fed her sausage sandwiches and chortled over club photos instead. Mostly consisting of rotund gentlemen of varying ages in snug neoprene. Not a pretty sight in most cases.

Checked dive was still on. It was, but moved to 7am *shudder*. Declined to participate. *big pout*

Saturday evening, we went to Rochester Castle for the Classical Spectacular evening. With a handful of friends and a lot of wine it was very enjoyable. As we managed to raid a different supermarket each, we compared scotch eggs and sausage rolls and stuff. Sainsbury’s won. Probably.
The concert itself was extremely good, although not as enjoyable as last year. The Royal Philharmonic was superb as always. There was a distinct lack of acts for the ladies (last year we had Duel – two fit lads in tight trousers playing violins), but a couple of very good acts for the boys; The Opera Babes who had very nice dresses. But the big surprise, for me at least (cuz as we all know I don’t *do* classical), was Myleen Klasse (sp?).
As far as I was concerned, Myleen was that chick from artificial pop group Hear Say who does the red carpet thing a lot and does the odd spot of DJ-ing somewhere. Actually, she DJ’s on Classic FM and is an accomplished pianist in her own right. And I guess her pop/stage experience has given her a good grounding in showmanship. I can’t say she was a brilliant pianist, but she was extremely good and completely sucked the audience in. Oh, and I want her dress.
An odd point, but with my new eyes, watching the fireworks at the end of the show was fantastic. No smearinesss with glasses, no distortion or drying out or whatever with contacts, just… incredible clarity.
Found out that on Sunday the 7am divers binned it because there was too much swell and poor visibility. According to other divers, the afternoon was beautiful. *very big pout*.
Monday evening the tarmackers were out to play again, but they finished at midnight and are not expected to return.
Tuesday went for physio for my knee, and subject to no problems over the next three weeks, am discharged. Yay.
The heat-wave is horrid. If there was a big pool or I could spend all day every day diving, I would be very happy. The cats are very unhappy, demanding I switch the weather off, the fish are demanding ice cubes and the plants are demanding water. However, the carnivorous plants are big and fat due to the quantity of flies and bugs coming indoors.


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