Saturday 3 December 2011

People and places visited and worshipped

Such a lot has happened since last post. Most importantly was viewing the very last Harry Potter film, which was as fab as the others. I think that the films were very well done, keeping in the spirit and bringing some of the magic alive. But no one who has seen them without reading  the books, should for a moment think they know what's in the books, because the films only really concentrate on the main story arc - Harry himself, and his war with Voldemort. Even Ron and Hermione have much more to say than they did in the films, and there are many more characters that were lucky if they were hinted at in the films, each with their own story. So if you haven't read, but enjoyed the films, go read. Now.

At work I've been out and about almost more than in the office.

One day was spent at Stamford Bridge, the Chelsea FC stadium. I've been there a couple of times before and I can report that it's still standing.

Me and a photo op with Mr D.
The last Friday in November was our industry awards, which are ours soI have to work through it. Well, sometimes do bits of work. When not eating. Or drinking. Or admiring the MC, which this year was Lawrence Dallaglio.

The next day, I went to see a very special car - a 15 year-old replica Nomad, which is still being raced in the UK and South Africa and winning races - and looks and sounds gorgeous. And I can even fit in it, with my too long legs!

Last week I went to the National Motorbike Museum next to the NEC. With around a thousand bikes, all (but one) British, it's awsome if you like two-wheeled vehicles.

And then on Thursday, I was had lunch at Sketch (Oxford Circus) which is full of art, from the egg-shaped loo pods to the squillion-pound sculpture of a diamante girl with syringe Afro hair that I should probably know the name of, but don't. It was seriously an experience - an excellent one if you're into art.

I have another couple of full weeks of being out of the office to look forward to, so onwards, upwards, and hoping I don't get lost. Or eat too much.


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