Monday 19 September 2011

Wembley, Canterbury and Autumnal silly season

Two weeks ago marked the start of the usual Autumn busy-manic-craziness. And it certainly has been so far. We have the most enormous September issue since before the credit cruch, which is fantastic, but we didn't have a lot of time to lay it all out - fingers crossed that it looks as good as it deserves to be when it comes out.

Once that was done, we had to short-list the Award nominations, which took place over three days - because while the quantity was good, the quality was absolutely phenomenal, which made it very difficult and necessarily time consuming.

But the week was broken up with a visit to Wembley Stadium for a renewables trade show. It was very small, but very good, with an informative cross-section of suppliers, demonstration area and seminars.

The train getting there... was another story, and at one point I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Going to Charing Cross, we stopped at Tonbridge and didn't start again for half an hour. In that time, the train was cancelled and reinstated, and there reason? There was a driver change and they'd sent the new driver to Tunbridge Wells by mistake - long gone are the days of 'floating' crew to step into the breach when necessary!

There was a trolley on this train though, and some thoughtful person with excellent customer service training had the trolley man offer everyone tea/coffee/redbull etc for the inconvenience. Caffeine buys an awful lot of goodwill and they should have the Victoria line trains carry trollies in the rush hour.

I got my coffee just before getting off at Waterloo East (London Bridge was the first plan, but rescheduled train went fast to Waterloo East) and was happily slurping it as I walked up the ramp to Waterloo for the tube. Until an ignoramus in a pin-striped suit ran past, knocking my shoulder and spilling my coffee down me. My (fortunately old) black and white top instantly became black, white and tan, and more importantly it was a complete waste of half a cup of free caffeine.

Unhappy bunny located tube entrance to Jubilee Line, and was instantly horrified to find Jubilee suspended due to power failure. Rapid alternate route calculated on Bakerloo and Metropolitan. Bakerloo was probably okay, but I was busy having a strop and trying to work out how I was going to talk to important people without coffee stains distracting. The Metropolitan line was just wonderful with a brand new Olympic train with open carriages, air conditioning, comfy seats and possible hygiene.

Trip home was uneventful.

Went to Canterbury on Saturday for lunch with Mel who's getting married next week.

It was a lovely way to spend the day - the city was busy, but not too much so, and while it had been raining before I arrived, it managed to hold off while I was there.


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