Thursday 24 March 2011

Football fun!

Last Friday I went to a press event covering the announcement of Selco sponsoring the football Masters Cup for the second time this year.

It was held at the Woodlands Park Hotel near Cobham, which is a beautiful old manor type of building. It has the kind of staff that suddenly appear at your elbow very discreetly to enquire after your health when you're clearly not a paying guest.

To lower the tone somewhat, you know you're in a posh hotel when there's a very pretty basket of brightly wrapped, free STs and tampons in the ladies.

This particular event was my first experience of national press, and I was warned that they would steamroller over everything. And, erm, they did.

On the bright side, the back of my head may be visible at the bottom of the screen on Sky Sports one day. Plus, it was very productive for me in the end, including getting my pic taken with footballing legends Tore André Flo (ex-Chelsea – very sweet guy) and Uwe Rösler (ex-Manchester City – wears a pair of jeans very nicely).

Oh, bad news is that Turkey trip planned for May has been cancelled due to Middle Eastern conflicts. Good news is that I'm going to Italy in a couple of weeks. Just for an over night stay, but still, it should be fun!


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