Sunday 18 March 2007

Fingers and junk

Two weeks later and my nail extensions *are* still firmly attached, despite the bowling. I’m very impressed, even though I’d specifically wanted cheap and nasty so they’d fall off quickly. Am slowly learning to type with them, but y’know, scuse typos.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, but when stumbling out of restaurant late on a Saturday night with the girlies, I trapped three fingers violently between a door and a wall. Don’t ask how, no clue. Upshot is, middle finger bone chipped. Is it bad of me to wish that I’d had to have a splint so I could legitimately give clients, er, I mean ah, people who wind me up the finger? Anyway, so even more, scuse typos.

Bowling was a lot of fun. I successfully maintained my superior bowling skills by coming last, although it was tough. At least three others were competing for my crown. 27 in all turned up, three more than expected. Getting there was an experience. It was in Gravesend, and we were all told that the address was on their website. So, using various methods, (sat nav, map, multimap, autoroute, following nose) we all independently found ourselves wondering around a very dark, very creepy industrial estate. By heading for the nearest bright light (Asda) we managed to come accidentally stumble upon the bowling alley at the far side of Asda. According to the girl behind the desk, the online address is wrong, but they didn’t know that until that week.

Thanks to mum and dad, we discovered Blakes. We had a really lovely afternoon, stuffing our faces and sampling some very fine whiskey. We also got to admire the new projector. Mum’s presentation was coming along beautifully and we ran surprisingly good quality film from my camcorder through it. An excellent day all in all.

Bills eggs definitely got ate. Possibly by the snails. The girls are showing no indication of having more eggs yet, although Ben did claim residence of the tower for a short while.

Diana had her hair cut for mid back to shoulder length. It looks nice.

Last Saturday we did just about nothing. Neko (tabby/white cat) has become a cuddle monster of the highest order.

Sunday we decided to go for a walk. We tried to book lunch at The Coastguard but it was full, so we went to Blakes instead, where we had a lovely lunch. Armed with Chris’ National Trust card, we went up to Langdon Cliffs, parked up and walked to the Lighthouse. We spent time stalking a dive boat that kept throwing its shot line over and picking it back up, presumably trying out various wrecks and finding the visibility a bit non-existent. We were also buzzed by a Maritime and Coastguard Agency Plane. Twice. And a skylark tormented Chris mercilessly by singing at the top of its voice, yet failing to be seen. Note attached a couple of pics as evidence of our walk.

The work aquarium has had its first Naming of a fish. It’s a teeny weeny 2 cm baby albino bristlenose, and she’s called Nu-Nu (or however you spell it), after the vacuum cleaner in the Teletubbies. It suits her. I will point out that I’ve never seen the Teletubbies *coff*, really I haven’t…

Dominique had her hair cut, from mid back to shoulder length. It looks very nice.

Decided to try and introduce two loaches again, to help with the snail problem.

Have decided to get my hair cut. Pixie cut I think as I don’t do things by half, and I hate shoulder length. Chris hates the idea, but then again, he’s never had to get vast quantities of wet hair through a very tight latex neck seal.

Went out to dinner with Judith last night, which was very nice.

Believe it or not, for all that I love driving, have been driving for almost fifteen years and can almost parallel park, I have never ever had to park a car in a garage. Attempted this feat last night and failed. Garages are overrated anyway.

We’re planning to go exploring the gravesite of some 1400 year old bloke near Maidstone today. Anyway, happy mothers day.


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