Friday 2 November 2007

Crazy, crazy October

In September I had a very interesting conversation with one of my bestest friends which revolved around me hating what I do for a job. Not necessarily the company I work for, more the whole middle management /admin thing which I fell into because I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Said friend suggested I look at what I enjoyed doing and what about a career change then?

Could have knocked me down with a feather.

Decided to go for it.

Spent week revamping CV to be skills based, and revising for Dive Leader exam.

On the weekend of 6th October, we went out for a dive. Shock, horror, Chris and I didn’t dive together. I dived with Jude and we went in first. Now, going down the shot line off Dover to depth of, in this case, approximately twenty five metres, is always just a teeny bit scary. The water gets darker as you go down, but the shot line keeps you orientated as to which is up and down. So you can imagine that we were just a little perturbed when the shot line gently started going up again. There’s a damn great anchor on the end of the shot line, so no way in hell was the shot line ever supposed to be going up. Still, with big neon question marks over our heads, we kept following, knowing that we would find an end sooner or later.

Sure enough, the wreck we were diving abruptly appeared out of the gloom, and it turned out that the anchor had lodged near the top of the bow, and with slack just arriving as we descended caused the shot line to slacken off. We had a good poke about the wreck, and came back up forty five minutes later.

Friend set me up with an opportunity to submit a CV.

Did that. Got offered an interview.

Took Dive Leader exam and passed it. Just need to get the rest of qualifying dives in. (Something like about twenty relevant dives needed in total.)

Spent a little over a week winding the cats up and scaring Chris while I tore my hair out preparing a portfolio, which I’d never done before.

Went for interview.

Got job.


TV season has started once again, which means my zero hours per week of TV increases to two hours per week with my boys on NCIS and Supernatural. *bliss*

On 13 Oct went for a dive with Steve whilst Chris boat-handled. We went to visit the Pomeranian, and with just two divers on board, it was noticeable how beautifully Medsac1 handled and how economic she was on fuel. Steve managed to amuse Dover Port Control by giving them information that needed to be given to the Coastguard. Bless. He was only trying to be helpful. Visibility wasn’t great, maybe a couple of metres at most, but lots and lots of holes to poke around in, and with just the two of us, there were no problems with other divers kicking up silt. Saw a sharky tail disappear under some deck plating, presumable a dog fish. Arf!

On Sunday, celebrated Dad’s birthday by taking him to The Coastguard pub at St Margarets. *burp!* Was a lovely day, with good company.

Spoke to CAT about handing my notice in. I was really worried about that, as although he’s my boss, he’s also a good friend, and I knew he would be a bit upset. But he was a total sweetheart, and we’ve sorted out new recruit and handover, so starting new job second week of December. CAT’s most insistent instruction to me was to organise the xmas party for the first week of December so that we could combine it with my leaving. Awww!

The following weekend I went to a sci-fi convention and ended up working it all the way through. Which was fun. All the guests were complete stars and very much fun, and being front line, we managed to accumulate a few hugs and lots of laughs. Heh. (For those who were there, we won’t mention Suanne and the rugby ball; suffice to say, Elaine is still recovering from the shock to her camera...)


Kimi won! Yay!

Am PO’d that I have to constantly defend my support of Kimi over Lewis. But I’ve been a fan of Kimi since his day one at McLaren and see no reason to change that just because Lewis is British. However, I would have been over the moon to see McLaren take the Constructors title because I’ve supported them for years and don’t like Ferrari all that much. Moo.

Last weekend in October we went to Annelies’ for her birthday and, on the Saturday, we took dog on a safari trail which involved me failing to cross a waterlogged log and falling head first into a vicious ten foot deep muddy swampy bog. Then we left dog behind and headed off to Longleat. Which was fun. It was a lovely weekend, thoroughly enjoyed.